Help fund Joshua's bone marrow transplant

Help To Fund Joshua’s Bone Marrow Transplant

There are so many people in this world that are in dire straights and need help with something. There are so many sick children and while it is so sad it is just not physically possible to help every case.

I get contacted at least once a week by someone asking for help to promote their cause and usually I have to decline. It is not that I am a monster that doesn’t care, but I just can’t help every cause.

Every now and then there is something that stands out for me and it is impossible for me to ignore and today I am sharing about one of these cases.

A very close friend of mine contacted me and asked me if I could help her friend, Kim Fourie. Kim’s son Joshua is 2 years old and was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia in March this year.

Joshua’s 6 year old sister is a perfect bone marrow match and they are going to be having the bone marrow transplant as soon as possible.

Yesterday I gave Kim a call to chat to her and I was amazed at how positive and grateful she is. Her gratitude comes in that she has met lots of other parents with children that need a bone marrow transplant, but those parents are either still searching for donors or needing to get donors from overseas, making the process a lot more complicated and expensive.

Her family has been through so much and they are about to face their biggest challenge with the upcoming bone marrow transplant.

They are so incredibly fortunate that their daughter is an exact match for Joshua, but this too comes with its challenges. A 6 year old girl is going to go through some unpleasant procedures to save her baby brother.

My daughter is 5 years old and my son is 3 years old, I looked at my children today and I realize how fortunate I am that both my children are healthy. I am so grateful and my heart goes out to Kim and her family.

Kim and her family

The bone marrow transplant will be taking place as soon as possible, and Kim said that they are able to pay off the hospital bills – however it is going to cost approximately R300 000 for the operation and I am sure there will be loads of additional expenses will be coming their way in the future.

While we can’t help Kim and her family to cope with this hardship we can make it a little easier.

If every person that reads this donates just a small amount and then shares this post socially I know that the R300 000 bill can be covered. Imagine the relief that will provide for this family? Then they can just focus on getting little Joshua well again and helping their little girl through the process.

You can click here to donate, I have donated R100 and I urge you to do the same.

Joshua bone marrow translant

Joshua bone marrow transplant

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  1. That’s so sad for a kids to be going through this trauma

  2. May God help the kid and have faith in him.

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