Cadbury Worldwide Hide

This Easter, Hide A Cadbury Egg Anywhere In The World With Love!

Easter truly is a wonderful season – it’s the ideal time to connect and share special moments with those closest to you. It’s a time to embrace your playfulness and create family rituals that will be remembered forever.

‘’Easter has always been synonymous with the ‘hunt’ for eggs, but as a brand centred around  generosity, we wanted to change this and make Cadbury a part of the thoughtful family rituals and traditions by focusing on the ‘hide’, thereby injecting the spirit of generosity and the true meaning of Easter back into the occasion. As we enter the second year of the Hide Them With Love campaign we are once again demonstrating how this generous spirit is not in the finding of Easter eggs, but in the journey towards it. It’s the thoughtful acts – the time, effort and love – that goes into the hiding that creates those special bonds. ‘’

Lara Sidersky Mondelez SA Category Lead for Chocolate

This Easter, Hide A Cadbury Egg Anywhere In The World With Love!

The effects of the past two years have restricted physical connection, which is why Cadbury is taking this opportunity to connect people across the world through the power of generosity.

Introducing the Cadbury Worldwide Hide.  From 1 March 2022, South Africans will be able to virtually hide an iconic purple Cadbury Easter egg anywhere in the world for someone special to find.

Sign up at, pick a hiding spot on the globe that means something special to both you and your loved one, send a personalised location clue and the seeker is all set to start searching for their Easter egg on the map.

The Cadbury Worldwide Hide first launched in the UK in 2021, where over 800 000 eggs were hidden with love, there was even a wedding proposal via the site.  Conceptualised by London based agency VCCP, the Worldwide Hide uses the power of Google Maps Street view to allow the hider to go anywhere in the world to hide their egg.  What better way to bring people together than through the generous act of sharing and evoking some warm, loving memories for all.  And the best part, you can hide as many eggs for as many people as you’d like!

Cadbury continues to drive its commitment to the Read to Succeed social mission –  where it aims to ignite a love for reading amongst our youth by investing in seven new and exciting homegrown stories, which will be created in partnership with Nal’ibali.

For most South African children, while their experience of the world is limited to their daily environment, they remain naturally curious about the world beyond their view. The stories tell the tales of Fluffy’s Easter adventures around the globe as he searches for the perfect hiding spots to hide Cadbury Easter eggs with love. Each story is situated on a different continent providing kids with fun facts on an informative storytelling journey that introduces an array of new and exciting characters and exposes them to the broader world around them.

Fluffy’s Easter Adventure stories will be available in all South African languages from the Cadbury digital library for everyone to enjoy with their kids over the Easter break.

The eggciting Cadbury Easter range is also back! It wouldn’t be a true Cadbury Easter without everyone’s favourite Cadbury chocolate covered Fluffies Mallow Eggs, now also available in bags and strips of three. Delicious Cadbury chocolate Hollow Eggs filled with Whispers or Astros,  candy-coated chocolate Hens Eggs and the yummy Cadbury Dairy Milk 170g Top Deck Bunnies slab. And last but most definitely not least the melt-in-your-mouth international fan favourite, Cadbury Creme eggs.

The campaign will once again be supported by a heart-warming TVC that tells the story of how the loving ritual of the hide keeps a father and daughter connected over many years, as well as engaging social, digital, out of home, PR, and in-store elements.

Consumers stand the chance to win* a fun-filled family Easter holiday and can also generously pay it forward by nominating someone who they think deserves a holiday away with their loved ones and they could win one to.  Simply purchase a tasty Easter treat from the Cadbury range, post a picture of how you have hidden a Cadbury Easter egg with love to either @CadburyDairyMilk on Facebook or @cadbury_sa on Twitter and tag a special someone and you could each win a holiday worth R50K.

The Cadbury Easter range is available from all major retail stores countrywide.

For more #HideThemWIthLove and #CadburyWorldwideHide news join the conversation at:

  • Instagram & Twitter @cadbury_sa
  • Facebook @CadburyDairyMilk

Visit  Cadbury Joy Vault For more on the campaign

*T&C apply

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One comment

  1. I had promised myself that my child will not have sweets from me. But her excitement from creche when she told me, made me bend that rule only for Easter eggs.

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