Auditory Processing Disorder APD

6 Tips To Help Children With Auditory Processing Disorder Cope At School And Home

Auditory Processing Disorder (ADP) is a problem whereby the brain is unable to process sounds in a normal way. There may be nothing wrong with your child’s ears and hearing, but then the signal leaves the inner ear it travels along the auditory nerve to the brain and this auditory process is disrupted.

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6 Tips To Help Children Cope With Auditory Processing Disorder At School and Home

Between the age of 0 and 3 years old is critical for language learning and auditory processing plays a vital role. This is the age when the brain is most prepared to map information from sounds or spoken words onto its language centers.

Very often an Auditory Processing Disorder is mistaken for a hearing deficit, general learning difficulties or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). For this reason it is always important to have your child diagnosed by a qualified professional and don’t be scared to get a second opinion to ensure you have the correct diagnosis.

Children with Auditory Processing Disorder struggle to understand instructions and pay attention, particularly when in a class room environment where there can be a lot of background noise. It makes it hard for children to recognize the differences in between the sounds in words and their ability to process what is being said.

Signs Of Auditory Processing Disorder In Children

  • Not paying attention
  • Easily distracted
  • Hearing words incorrectly
  • Misunderstanding
  • Frequently asking “huh” or “what”?
  • Difficulty with reading
  • Difficulty in understanding what is being said when there is background noise
  • Language delays
  • Poor social interaction
  • Misinterpretation of social cues
  • Low cognitive functioning
  • Developmental immaturity
  • Poor conceptual thinking

Which Skills Are Affected By Auditory Processing Disorder

While children can learn to work around a lot of the challenges they face with Auditory processing disorder, it can create lifelong difficulties if it is not diagnosed and managed.

Communication – Children with APD may struggle to speak clearly, dropping the ends of words and not emphasizing syllables. They may confuse similar sounds for a much longer period than their peers.

Social Skills – Children with APD have difficulty telling jokes and stories. They often avoid talking with their peers due to finding it difficult to process what is being said and struggling to come up with an appropriate response.

Academic Skills – Children with APD tend to have difficulty with developing writing, reading and spelling skills. Development of phonemic awareness (the building blocks for reading) can be incredibly difficult, as well as learning vowels. It is challenging to understand spoken instructions.


How To Help Your Child With Auditory Processing Disorder

While your child will be facing many challenges there are certain things that can be done to make thing easier for your child, both at school and at home.

Learn About Auditory Processing Disorder

The first step with any problem you face is to learn as much as you can about it. Do some research online and find out everything you can about Auditory Processing Disorder from the professional that diagnosed your child.

Get Professional Assistance

This is not something that you will be able to resolve on your own, make sure to find professionals that can assist your child overcome the challenges associated with Auditory Processing Disorder.

Indigo Learning makes use of neuroscience based programs designed to improve the brain’s ability to process auditory information. Their method is based on science and measured results which builds foundational cognitive and language skills. Their systematic approach identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the child, highlighting the developmental priority areas. Significant improvement in processing speeds, sequencing, memory, attention and language skills can be seen.

Girl with headphones on at school

Work With The School

When your child has been diagnosed make an appointment with your child’s school to discuss how to move forward with your child’s education in a proactive way. It is essential that your child’s teacher understands the challenges that your child is facing and accommodates for this as much as possible.

Here are some ways that the school can make it easier for your child to cope:

  • Have your child sit in the front of the class room so he is away from distractions which can help him focus.
  • Improve acoustics by ensuring that windows and doors are closed, minimizing outside noise.
  • Make use of visuals (images and gestures) to reinforce your child’s understanding of what is being said.
  • Making use of a personal listening device whereby your child wears a headset and the teacher wears a microphone can greatly improve acoustics and block out background noise.
  • A quiet room for taking tests.

Tips For Home

There are some things that you can also do in the home to make it easier for your child to cope and to learn:

  • Make sure your child is looking at you when you speak.
  • Use simple instructions giving one step at a time.
  • Ask your child to repeat instructions back to you. He can also make notes if he needs to complete the instructions later.
  • Speak slowly, clearly and loud enough.
  • Create a quiet space for your child to study and complete homework.

Cute Child With Glasses

Get Behavioural Advice

Your child will be coping with learning difficulties but also with the social and emotional challenges that come with Auditory Processing Disorder. Ask the professionals that are helping your child to help you understand your child’s behaviour and how you can help your child cope with his feelings and emotions too.

Connect With Other Parents That Have Children With APD

Getting support for yourself is also important and connecting with other parents that are going through the same thing will be valuable. You can share strategies and information with each other

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  1. Thanks for this information, its very useful. At one stage the school thought there may be something wrong with my son and we took him to a specialist to check if he had a learning disorder such as ADHD. Thankfully there is nothing wrong with him other than he is a very busy little boy that struggles to sit still and concentrate. I am sure that a lot of these will help me cope with him too even though he hasn’t got any disorder.

    It must be so trying and frustrating for parents and children to have to deal with anything of this nature.

    • Yes I am sure it is very trying @lyndsay but through taking the right steps it can get easier! I’m glad to hear your boy has the all clear. I also have a son that is almost 5 and he can be a handful. I’ve also had feedback from his teacher that he struggles to sit still and to listen. I’m sure with time and some effort it can be improved. My daughter was easier at this age and could listen and concentrate a lot better. I do think boys are busier than boys around this age, or at least my personal experience with my kids has been that. Good luck with your boy.

  2. Are you able to detect it from the age of 2?

    • Lynne Huysamen

      According to Kids Health “Most traditional APD tests require a child to be at least 7 years old. So, many kids aren’t diagnosed until first grade or later. Newer electrophysiology tests (which use noninvasive electrodes to check the body’s response to speech) can give some early information about the central auditory system in kids younger than 7.”

  3. This is amazing thank you. My son does this sometimes he does not focus on the worksheet for long as something else has. Cought his attention and he is battling to say some words properly even though I break it down for him so this is really helpful and I am definitely going to use this to help us

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