Work from home

Nearly a third of employees spend more time working than they did before, new Kaspersky study reveals

As social distancing measures become common and workers adjust to their new professional environments, even from their own living rooms, there is potential for private and working life to blur into one. Kaspersky’s new How COVID-19 changed the way people work report reveals how quarantine influences the way people work from home.

The ‘new normal’ that workers are now facing is starting to have an impact on their work-life balance. Nearly a third (31%) of workers globally said they are spending more of their time working than they did before. However, 46% said they have increased the amount of time they spend on personal activity. This particular change may have come about because workers are now not having to commute or travel as much than they were before.

The report also revealed that it has become harder for workers to separate working and personal activity, especially when it comes to IT. 55% of workers say they are reading more news now than they were before they started working from home. While this is understandable because people will want to stay updated with the latest Coronavirus developments, 60% of this activity is done on devices that are used for work. This can however potentially lead to malware infections if employees do not pay attention to the resources and websites they visit.

Workers are also developing a habit of using their personal services for working purposes – increasing the potential risks from shadow IT, including the disclosure of sensitive information. For instance, 42% of employees use personal email accounts for work-related matters, and 49% admit their usage has increased when working from home. 38% use personal messengers that have not been approved by their IT departments, with 60% of them do it more often in their new circumstances.

“Organisations cannot just fulfill all user requests, such as allowing staff to use any services as they want to. It is necessary to find a balance between user convenience, business necessity and security. To achieve this, a company should provide access to services based on the principle of only supplying minimal, necessary privileges, implement a VPN and use secure and approved corporate systems. These types of software may have certain restrictions that slightly reduce usability, but offer greater assurances in providing security measures,” comments Andrey Evdokimov, Chief Information Security Officer at Kaspersky.

To ensure businesses do all they can to keep their employees and corporate data safe, Kaspersky recommends employers follow these measures:

  • Schedule basic security awareness training for your employees. This can be done online and cover essential practices, such as account and password management, email security, endpoint security. Kaspersky and Area9 Lyceum have prepared a free module to help staff work safely from home
  • Ensure devices, software, applications and services are kept updated with the latest patches
  • Install proven protection software, such as Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud, on all endpoints, including mobile devices, and switch on firewalls. Any solution used should include protection from web threats and email phishing

For workers and users at home who have to work from their personal devices, Kaspersky advises:

  • Using a reliable security solution, such as Kaspersky Security Cloud, for comprehensive protection from a wide range of threats.
  • Only downloading educational and entertaining content strictly from trusted sources

For more information about the impact working from home has had on workers and to read the report in full, visit

About Kaspersky

Kaspersky is a global cybersecurity company founded in 1997. Kaspersky’s deep threat intelligence and security expertise is constantly transforming into innovative security solutions and services to protect businesses, critical infrastructure, governments and consumers around the globe. The company’s comprehensive security portfolio includes leading endpoint protection and a number of specialized security solutions and services to fight sophisticated and evolving digital threats. Over 400 million users are protected by Kaspersky technologies and we help 250,000 corporate clients protect what matters most to them. Learn more at


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  1. Very insightful thanks.

  2. I’m personally finding this to be the case, I’ve got a small business and we are no longer working from the office. I’ve found productivity has shot through the roof… and now I wonder why I’ve been paying huge rental fees for my office!

  3. I’m not surprised – working from home is much nicer, but I am sure that there are a few people taking advantage of the situation and slacking off!

  4. I’m personally finding work from home is so much easier and more stress free than working from the office. I am saving costs on travel and not having to sit in traffic for 3+ hours a day is bliss.

  5. The work / mom / wife balance can be really exhausting when you now suddenly work from home

    • I’ve been working from home for 12+ years Lizelle but with the kids being home so often it has become such a challenge. I am sure that anyone that is used to going into an office without kids must be finding this time intensely hard.

  6. I totally agree, I am finding the same working from home.

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