Family friendly activities for your child's next birthday

5 Family Friendly Activities for Your Child’s Next Birthday

Planning your child’s birthday is a fun thing to do but it may feel a little bit stressful if you are struggling to come up with some fun activities to do. While throwing a birthday party at home has its benefits there are so many family-friendly activities that you can do for your child’s birthday party too.

Going out and doing something active as a family is a great idea and there are lots of activities that will make for a perfect birthday party. You can also make it more fun with themed party packs.  Playing games as a team or as individuals is a great way to spend a special day with your family and/ or friends.

5 Family Friendly Activities for Your Child's Next Birthday

Here are some great ideas for family friendly activities for your child’s next birthday:

Laser Tag

Laser tagIf you have never played laser tag then you have no idea what you are missing. Laser tag is a strategic game that can be played individually or in teams. Each player gets a laser gun which fires infrared beams and each player wears infrared sensitive targets.

The point of the game is to avoid being shot by a laser gun and to shoot your opponents with your laser gun. If you are shot by an opponent it does not necessarily mean that you are out of the game, but depending on the type of laser tag game you may be unable to engage in the game for a period of time after being shot and the amount of times you are shot is tallied up by the system.

There are both indoor laser tag venues and outdoor, with indoor venues being the most common. Indoor venues are great in the sense that if the weather is bad you can still hold your party activity if the weather turns bad on the day. Indoor venues are often not nearly as physically demanding since the area is often smaller and there may be limitations placed on running and rough play.

Outdoor venues will give you a much larger area to play in and let you really get into the spirit of the game.

Playing laser tag is suitable for children aged 5 and up and is also suitable for adults too, making this an ideal family activity for everyone to get involved.



Paintball is another family activity that can be loads of fun and make for a very special birthday party.

Paintball involves teams that shoot each other with paintball guns. If you are shot you are splattered with paint and depending on the game you are playing you may need to leave the game. Paintball is usually played outdoors and the objective is usually more detailed. There are lots of different types of strategic games you can play when it comes to paintball.

It is important to note that paintball is simply not suitable for very young children. It is advisable only from about 10 years old and it is also suitable for adults. There are strict safety rules that need to be adhered to and being hit by a paint ball can sting so be prepared to take that hit.

Ten Pin Bowling

If you are not into running around all day being shot and want the event to be more sociable then ten pin bowling is a great choice. It will give everyone a chance to compete in a fun and friendly game, but also create an environment where family members and friends can have a conversation at the same time.

Ten pin bowling is indoors which is always a bonus when planning a celebratory event like a birthday party, you wouldn’t want a spot of rain to ruin all your plans!

Ice Skating

Ice skating

Ice skating is another great option for a birthday. You want to leave competitiveness out of your child’s birthday completely and just want to have good old fun.

Children as young as 2 or 3 years old can get involved with ice skating and the older members of the birthday party can help them get their feet.

You may have a choice of an indoor or outdoor venues for ice skating and you can take your own ice skates or hire some there.

Putt Putt

Putt putt mini golf

There are indoor and outdoor venues for putt putt (or mini golf) that you can choose from. It is a great game that is fun and competitive plus the whole family can play – even the smallest children will enjoy getting a turn.

It is not as physically strenuous as the other activities so if you have an older family member that is joining in the birthday celebrations this will be just the thing.

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  1. These are awesome ideas @Lynne – the laser tag especially, I might consider it for my own birthday – what fun 😛
    All awesome ideas like I said, me however, I have a little one who is lady personified and each year gets more and more difficult. Its slightly difficult for me at times as I am about as “refined” as sea salt 😛
    My little one is all about the pink and purple, the painting of nails, the hair styling and wearing crowns  I wouldn’t have it any other way, but its put me to the test quite a few times. Not wanting to change who she was becoming I make time for “girly time”. Where I will help her paint her nails (I don’t even wear nail polish myself) and do her hair (as best I can – although Mom doesn’t do it as well as her aunt) 
    We have so much fun but I still battle to see the point haha

    So this year for her birthday (in August) after racking my brain I finally found something that she will love and is right up her alley. This year she will be inviting 10 of her friends from school (gone are the days where it was friends and family only) and I will be sending them to a place which is pretty much like a salon for kids – they call it a pamper party (all my life haha)

    Her and 10 friends will have their hair washed and styled, nails painted, toenails painted and wash out colour streaks put in their hair. A table set up in pink and purple with champagne glasses filled with appetizer (my jaw was on the floor when I read this) as well as a mini photo shoot of their time there. While doing my research on this I was choking back my anxiety on how much this was going to cost me. After shopping around I actually found a place that with all the above mentioned plus cake and cupcakes would actually cost me LESS than the years before, when I hired out a venue and did everything myself.

    I’m so excited to see her face this year as I know for a fact she’s going to be in her element – I really cannot wait  All the while shutting out the voice in my head saying “S**t Tamara – what happens when she turns SIXTEEN” LOL

  2. These are really cool ideas. I will make use of them for everyone to have fun.

    We are having our son’s 1st birthday whoop whoop!!!! Its a big thing for us to do the 1st birthday big and go all out.

    We are already in planning MODE getting everything sorted and planned. Having fun and creating memories is the most important.

    In the mean while we must also arrange our wedding so looking at nice ideas like these help alot. Also saw you had gift ideas on so its cool less planning and running around of we know what we need and want.

  3. Wow thank you for sharing I love the Lazer tag might consider it for a next birthday

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