TAS Challenges Corporate SA To Change 20,900 Learners’ Lives With Project JIKA

The Answer Series (TAS) established a CSI education initiative called Project JIKA in 2010 with a mission to provide access to equitable quality learning material to under-resourced learners. This project can not only rescue an underperforming school but take it up to more competitive levels.

But they can’t do it alone – and so are calling on South African businesses to support this scalable model and help them achieve their goal to change 20,900 lives over the next three years.

The Answer Series will partner with corporates looking for a proven investment solution to positively impact education in South Africa. There are three ways to get on board this critical need.

“One is to allocate this year’s budget and roll-out at the end of January 2021. The other is that we’ll roll-out in January on the promise of payment in March and the third is a roll-out in March to coincide with the new financial year while leaving plenty of time for the learners to derive great benefit in the 2021 academic year. We will match any funding provided to equip high schools with TAS study guides,” explains TAS CEO George Eadie.

TAS will extend the same matching deal to the donor company should they seek to support their staff’s children with study guides.

To further motivate involvement and support, TAS has also committed to giving a 5% commission, through formal contract, to anyone who facilitates a successful donation.

“We believe that capability is evenly distributed regardless of resources. It’s opportunity and access that is unevenly distributed, and covid-19 has only raised the need for great printed resources for digitally excluded learners.” says Eadie.

To date, TAS has partnered with Pick n Pay’s accredited non-profit company, Aid Education, Do Good Now and the Pick n Pay Schools Club.  “Most affluent learners in South Africa use TAS study guides and Project JIKA is levelling the playing fields. It is in line with the sustainable development goal around education and every last detail has been mapped out for the next three years. Project JIKA also subscribes to the highest level of governance and formal CSI project management. It’s a pleasure to be part of,” comments Catherine Bothma, Managing Director, Aid Education NPC.

“The JIKA project maximises chances of success for learners, which has a lasting impact on schools, communities and our country. It has the potential to render thousands more South Africans employable and eligible for tertiary education annually. Please contact TAS to find out how to get involved,” says Eadie.

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About The Answer Series:

In 1975, Anne Eadie, a brilliant young maths teacher, poured all of her knowledge into the very first Answer Series study guide. It was an immediate success. Learners now had a new companion to prepare with and guide them through their exams. Since then, The Answer Series has continued to create up-to-date, comprehensive study guides. It now covers all major subjects from Grade 8 to 12. They are written and frequently updated by teachers, examiners and subject specialists. Each of The Answer Series study guides includes stimulating exercises and easy-to-understand explanatory notes.

In January 2020, The Answer Series made its study guides available to teachers at no cost on the Snapplify platform.

The Answer Series study guides are practical and versatile. They can be used independently by learners, or by teachers in the classroom.

The Answer Series is still a family owned company and each book shows the same love and dedication, but more importantly, logic and reasoning, as the first.

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