Braai with friends

A Nappy Braai – The Dad To Be Baby Shower

Have you ever heard of a nappy braai? It’s a baby shower for a dad to be and the only gift on the registry is nappies, and of course there is a braai involved.

A Nappy Braai - The Dad To Be Baby Shower

What better way to celebrate impending fatherhood than a braai with your mates and family, along with a supply of much needed nappies? While many fathers attend baby showers, a baby shower usually puts the focus on the mom to be. A nappy braai is the perfect way to have a more inclusive celebration for both parents to be. In addition to that men may not be keen to take part in a baby shower, but call it a nappy braai and there is sure to be loads of enthusiasm from South African men!

If a bring and braai is your thing go for it, ask everyone to bring a braai salad and some meat to get the party going. Dressing up can be loads of fun. Putting balloons under shirts can be a fun way for men to get the feel of having a baby bump for the day!

Just like a baby shower, playing baby themed games will make the day fun and exciting. Here are some great games for a nappy braai.

Nappy Braai Game Ideas

Blindfolded Diaper Changing Challenge

For this challenge get some toy baby dolls or stuffed animals, old fashioned cloth nappies and safety pins. Everyone gets a turn to be blindfolded and change a diaper and get timed. The person with the best time and diaper put on correctly wins.

Pram Race

This game is best played in a good sized yard. Set up a race track with obstacles in the yard (hosepipes, garden chairs, watering cans etc). Get two prams each with a baby doll in. Two contestants compete at a time and the person to complete the race first without crashing the pram or have their doll fall out wins.

Baby food taste test

Baby Food Taste Test

This game involves guessing the flavour of baby food. Get some different flavours of baby food and give each person a chance to be blindfolded and guess the flavours. The person who has guessed the most flavours correctly wins.

Baby Bottle Drinking Race

This is such a super easy game to play. Fill some baby bottles with juice and have everyone drink it out the bottle to see how hard it really is to drink from a bottle teat. The person that finishes first wins the game.

Teat Bobbing

Fill some bowls with water and put some bottle teats in each one. Contestants get blindfolded and have to get the teats out with their mouths only. Set a time limit for the game and the person who has gotten the most bottle teats out at the end wins.

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  1. My husband had two one with a sports group and other with friends and family. It covered nappies for a year. For the one with family and friends the men were asked to bring a pack of wipes as well. some guys brought a whole box. Nappies and wipes sorted for 1 year. We also got to try different brands. We provided Burgers for the one braai and boerie rolls for the other. Easy to just braai the same thing for everyone.

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