Baby Shower Cakes

Baby Shower Cakes

Organizing a baby shower for a friend or family member can be great fun. Along with all the silly baby shower games, one of the best things to organize is the cake!

Baby Shower Cakes can make a baby shower extra special and memorable for mommy to be and the guests.

If you are planning a baby shower for a special mom to be I suggest you Google for some images to get some ideas.

Here are some examples made by Pretty Bakes in Saldanha.

Baby Shower Cakes: Cupcakes

Baby Shower Cakes: It's A Boy

One of the best places for inspirational ideas is Pinterest, click here to check out some cakes shared by Baby Shower Station.

Feeling brave and want to make a cake yourself? Click here for a tutorial on how to make a pregnant belly cake with footprint from Cake Central.

Baby Shower Cakes: Pregnant Belly

Where did you get your baby shower cakes from and can you share any ideas with other mommies that are planning a baby shower?

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  1. aww! How precious! The baby (on top of the) cupcakes are just the best! 😀

    I would have loved something so precious at my baby shower. My mother in law to be (at the time) bought bakery cupcakes and we had a few girlfriends over to the house. It was a very small and informal gathering but very happy for the company then. 🙂

  2. These baby cakes are absolutely gorgeous and well detailed. When my son was born in 2005 we never had or thought of such creative ideas like these nor would I have had the funds for it but they look amazing

  3. memories wow you get suck cute ideas and the cakes the belly cakes so cute ive decided on a theme Tatty Teddy for my baby shower so the coffee shop we had it at supply my cupcakes we asked for cupcakes hubby made stickers at his work that say Aiden and ready tot pop which we stick on a plastic bag and add popcorn in as part of the thank you gifts we played games had a nice meal and i opened up all the gifts. nappies as entrance suck a help as you get alot and get used also.

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