Morocco Street Market

Marrakech Dangers And Warnings You Have To Be Aware Of

Marrakech is the fourth largest city you can visit in Morocco and it is quickly gaining popularity among tourists from all around the world. It is really easy to understand exactly why this is the case. We are faced with really exotic sounds, experiences and sights you will love. Marrakech vacation options are numerous and you can definitely find something that you are going to appreciate when you visit. However, this does not mean that you should blindly expect everything to go smoothly. Just as with any other destination, there are dangers that you have to be prepared for.

In Marrakech you need to worry about some specific things, besides all the others you would normally be careful with. This is what we are going to focus on in the following paragraphs.

Marratech - Dangers and Warnings You Have To Be Aware Of

The Snake Charmers

In Marrakech you will surely love seeing the exotic snake charmers. This is an ancient art that is compelling but you have to be really careful for those that work carefully with snake handlers. Helpers normally target the tourists and ask for money in order to watch shows or even take pictures. Second helpers can even approach the tourist in order to demand some extra money. When you decide not to give into the demands, there is a pretty good possibility you will be faced with a strong shouting match. It is better to just avoid the snake charmers altogether if you are not ready to deal with the haggling.

Snake Charmers Marratech

Fake Marrakech Guides

Many locals can be found that act as guides. They are so often going to tell you that you should go somewhere else since what you want to visit is closed. The idea is that they are trying to get you to visit a location where they can make money. Also, they do expect tips.

Getting rid of the fake guides in Marrakech can prove to be quite difficult. If you find yourself in a situation in which you have problems, warn the guides that you are going to call the authorities. Marrakech is actually a really easy destination to visit. You will end up finding what you want to visit without troubles.

Traffic Is Sometimes Dangerous

One of the things that you will be surprised by when you visit Marrakech is that there is no sign for the pedestrians to use when crossing the road. Actually, the number of pedestrian crossings is really low. Those that exist will often not work or will simply be ignored by the drivers. The lack of pavements only makes things more difficult. When you see pavements, there is a big possibility that it will be tough to walk on them.

When you want to cross the street, there is a pretty good possibility you will have to step right in front of a vehicle that is moving. That car is going to stop but you do want to pick the moving vehicles that travel at a lower speed. Following locals is a good idea. They will help you to go through the traffic with ease as they are used to what is happening. The great thing here is that the drivers in Marrakech are used to people walking through the streets. They generally do know what to do but you want to be safe and cautious.

Marratech camel ride

When You Need To Change Money

One of the really important things that you should know about Morocco is that you cannot export or import the currency. You are going to have to exchange money as soon as you arrive in Marrakech. This is the only place where you can get some dirham (local currency), although exchanges are also available at airports.

Generally, the best thing that you can do is to utilize ATMs when you need cash instead of the money changer. This is because the exchange rate is going to be a lot better. It is also impossible for someone to take advantage of you.

You should be aware of the fact that you have to spend dirhams before leaving Morocco. Although you are not going to be arrested when you leave the country with dirhams, if you are in another country you cannot do anything with the currency. It will just sit at your home until you reach Morocco again.

Final Thoughts

Marrakech is safe but you still need to use common sense. It is a really good idea that you are patient and that you carefully assess the situation you are in. General travel rules like not exposing too much skin if you are a woman or not having too much cash on you should be respected. Also, it is a very good idea that you ask for the information you need from your accommodation. You are going to get better information.

Try to walk as much as possible throughout Marrakech as this gives you the best possible way to experience the local culture. You can also end up seeing some things that are rarely recommended by the tour agencies. Whenever possible, try to talk with locals that you can trust. They can give you extra information and take you to some places that are great.

On the whole, Marrakech is a wonderful travel destination in Morocco. You can expect a truly exotic experience that can be described as being unique. Check out all the best tourist destinations and plan your trip way in advance.

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