How to choose travel strollers for your child

How To Choose Travel Strollers For Your Child

Whenever you are intending to buy a baby stroller, you need to choose according to your purpose. Do you want a regular baby stroller? Or, you need a stroller that makes your travel comfortable. You can get the best umbrella stroller that is suitable for traveling.

Now a day, you can categorize the baby strollers in according to its purpose. For example, you can have a regular stroller, a running or jogging stroller, a compact stroller and a travel stroller.

A travel stroller is a stroller can make your travel comfortable. Generally, the strollers are lightweight, easy to carry, compact and foldable. Therefore, you need to understand the right criteria in order to choose the best traveling strollers.

How To Choose Travel Strollers for Your Child

Compact design

You need to choose a compact design stroller for travel choice. You will get many big size strollers. You can’t use them for traveling comfortably. In fact, they will never adjust to your car or air journey. As a result, it will become a trouble for you to travel without a stroller.

Therefore, you need to look for the compact design strollers. The compact stroller can adjust to your car as well as your air trip. Moreover, compact strollers are easy to maintain and care. They offer durable performance and comfortable handling choice.


Age of the Baby

The age of the baby is an important factor to consider. Depending on the age, you need to choose the best travel stroller for your baby. If you are traveling have a baby under 6 months, you do not need a stroller. You need a bassinet mode of stroller because the baby cannot sit perfectly.

In this case, you also need to buy a bag to place the pram. You can also use luggage but it will make it dirty. So, an additional bag can help you to keel the pram clean.


The stroller should be lightweight so that you can carry it easily. You can get both heavyweight and lightweight strollers. Lightweight is perfect for a travel system. When you will buy a lightweight stroller, you will never face trouble. In fact, you do not need to give much effort to handle the stroller.


You will get two types of strollers foldable and non-foldable strollers. Depending on use, you should choose the right type of stroller. For traveling, you should go with a foldable stroller. The compact stroller with a foldable system can make it easy to travel.

Folding the stroller can save your time, space and effort. You will get many mechanisms to fold the stroller. As a result, you can fold it to make it smaller. Then, you can put the stroller on air journey or car backseat very easily. For that reason, you do not need much space for storing the foldable stroller.

Kids in Strollers

Stroller with a car seat

If you like to travel in a car, you should prefer a stroller with a car seat. It will help your baby a comfortable seat in the car too. Depending on the growth of your baby, you can buy a car seat with the stroller.

A convertible car seat can help to stay installed in the car. Therefore, you can prefer a convertible car seat to save your money.

While choosing the car seat, you should see the regulations and match to the car models. Otherwise, the car seat may not be available to use for your baby. However, all new car seats follow the federal safety rules and regulations.

Design & Construction

You can get various designs in a baby stroller. Therefore, you need to consider the right design for your baby stroller. Considering aluminum construction is the best choice for a travel stroller.

The aluminum construction makes the stroller lightweight. Moreover, the design should be compact to adjust in your backseat of the automobile. As a result, you will get the extra advantage of taking the baby stroller anywhere. So, you need to consider the specifications and construction of the stroller.

Additional Tips to Choose the Best Travel Stroller

Also, there are many other aspects that you can consider. The factors are not as important as we discussed earlier. However, you can also consider as a part of getting a suitable model.

Firstly, you should consider the quality of tires and wheel suspension. Traveling to various cities can lead many types of terrains. So, the tires should be perfect for all terrains. That will help to get long-lasting performance. Moreover, the suspensions can reduce the bumps on the rough terrains.

Secondly, you should consider a full adjustable canopy for your baby. It will protect your baby from harmful UV rays. As a result, your baby will always remain safe in the stroller.

Thirdly, you need to check the comfort and softness of the fabric. The seat should be enough comfortable for your baby. Otherwise, it will never give comfort to your baby.

Fourthly, when you are traveling, you may not notice the baby for some while. As a result, a stroller with toy bar can help to give your baby to play. So, your baby will not disturb you and enjoy playing with the stuff.

These are some additional tips that you can consider. Of course, you should pick the stroller from the best brands. Then, you can expect durable, stable, comfortable and long lasting performance.


Now you know the factors to consider to choose the best umbrella stroller in the market. Therefore, you can follow the factors so that you can pick the right stroller for your baby.

You should always intend to research and analyze the strollers to find the best model. You can easily get a good quality stroller but the stroller may not be perfect for traveling.

Therefore, you will need an extra attention to the quality, features, specifications and style of the stroller. Double strollers are not compact size and good for traveling. Again, there are some models that come with a compact design for twins’ stroller. So, you need to give time to find the best model in the market.

About The Author

This is a guest post by Lisa D. Richards, who also happens to be a mom blogger like me! You can read all her blogs and views at Stroller list.


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  1. Khomotso Chosen

    Very informative Lynne.

  2. Am looking for a converteable stroller any ideas where i can get the second hand one in good conditions

    • Hi Vhutshilo – maybe try a local hospice/2nd hand shop or your local facebook buying and selling groups. I see prams and strollers on there all the time. I actually sold my last pram on fb.

  3. I’m not sure this is entirely relevant here but I do have some advice in the stroller department as well. When my big kids were both tiny we bought a Maclaren twin stroller so I could take them around reasonably comfortable. I got the side by side model … don’t get the side by side model. They are incredibly awkward to move around in small spaces and it ended up being something we only used if we were going to outdoor events like markets or fairs.

    That said, I took it with me when I flew with the babies in Emma’s first year and it was an absolute blessing to see it all set up on the tarmac when we got out the plane – I just dumped them in it and off we went.

    • I can only imagine that a side by side model would be bulky and not good for every day use things like shopping malls! Thanks for sharing about that @lisabennett it is not something I would have thought about. I am sure that moms of twins struggle a lot with the same thing! Surely some double strollers would come so that you can use them side by side or one in front of the other? I have no idea since I have never had to find out.

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