While some vaccines are great and do stop epidemics from happening, others aren’t as reliable as they say. Contrary to what many believe, herd immunity may be a myth. Even immunologists are on the fence still about this theory. While the world has come a long way with vaccination and methods for manufacturing them, there is still a lot of room for improvement. When it comes to vaccines, you will hear a lot of back and forth criticisms about their efficacy and toxicity. There are very valid points made on both sides of the argument.
While some vaccines do prevent disease, it would be a huge mistake to overlook their toxicity and overall efficacy. So which vaccines are worth getting? First determine your needs, your medical history, and above all else, do your research. Once you have an idea of what you need, make sure you bring a list of questions about these vaccines with you to your next doctor’s appointment.
Vaccines: Do You Really Need Them?
This is a question that should always be taken up with your physician. While the internet is an excellent source for vaccine information, statistics, and other vital data, it does have its limitations. A medical professional will be able to take your medical history and assess whether you need a vaccine or not. Do all people need vaccines? No, some people should actually avoid getting them due to certain medical reasons. Specifically, people who are immunologically compromised, have a weak liver, organ transplant, and so on. People who should either get a vaccine or consider risks of disease are:
- Those who plan to travel domestically or abroad
• Those who intend to take care of young children
• Are currently in a homosexual or bisexual relationship
• Are exposed to illegal substances or in an environment where people use illegal substances
• Are at risk of exposure to those who are ill
• Have family members who are either immunologically compromised or have certain medical conditions that make a particular virus fatal should they be exposed
If you fit into any of these categories, you may need to get a few vaccines. Always consult your doctor and other medical professionals before you get a vaccine. It is always okay to have more than one medical opinion for a medical procedure, vaccines included.
Vaccines That Are Covered By Medicare and Are Recommended Most
There are a few vaccines that are covered by Medicare’s plans. The major ones to consider are:
- Shingles vaccine
• Hepatitis B vaccine
• Pneumococcal vaccine
• Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis)
The flu vaccine can be considered optional unless you have any pre-existing medical conditions that make getting the flu deadly. Medicare’s B and D plans cover all four of these. If you choose to get vaccines to make sure they are single dose since this will cut out many toxic ingredients compared to multi-dose vaccines.
The Importance of Checking the Vaccine’s History
Many doctors and patients often overlook or downplay the ingredients in vaccines. Or people make the wrongful assumption that vaccines cause autism. Vaccines don’t cause autism directly, but they have been proven to raise the chances of getting autism for specific demographics. Vaccines can cause a variety of neurological disorders due to the heavy metals often used in vaccines. But the FDA says they are safe! This is sadly not true. Vaccines often don’t go through the necessary amount of testing that is technically required. This is all due to the pharmaceutical industry either bribing officials or an epidemic needs the vaccine immediately.
A case where a vaccine did not go through proper testing channels would be the swine flu vaccine for H1N1. The swine flu epidemic is an example of this pharmaceutical corruption. This vaccine was never tested through the five-year requirement before being administered to the general public. How did this happen? The FDA gave the makers of the swine flu vaccine a waiver that bypassed the normal testing channels.
This means the vaccine went straight from being developed to being massed produced all while never being adequately tested. This vaccine either did or could have caused more damage than the swine flu itself. In fact, many people believe the vaccine was not only ineffective, but it was also forced on people through fear tactics instead of legitimate science. It is not unheard of for many people, both young and old, to suffer bad side effects from a poorly developed vaccine. This is why the government takes on cases of vaccine-related injuries instead of the private pharmaceutical corporations.
Things to Watch Out for in Your Vaccines
Many vaccines are safe or at least safer thanks to a few new regulations. But it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t read the labels. If you have allergies to eggs, latex, sucrose, fructose, yeast, pork, beef, gelatin, fish, certain antibiotics, here is a short list of substances to avoid in a vaccine:
- Aluminum
Vaccines use injected aluminum, not digested aluminum. All studies conducted with aluminum in vaccines are inaccurate due to this very error. Injected aluminum does not leave the body as fast as dietary aluminum. This results in heavy metal toxicity. - Thimerosal/ thiomerosal
This is a mercury-based chemical. Mercury is a deadly heavy metal and was removed from thermometers due to mercury poisoning. Acute mercury poisoning can occur with even small amounts of mercury. This is often used in Hep B vaccines. - Antibiotics
The massive use of antibiotics in vaccines can be linked to the rise in antibiotic-resistant diseases. The body’s natural tolerance built up towards these antibiotics can make them no longer work. - Human serum albumin and recombinant albumin
While some doctors will say the serum comes from reputable sources, it is unclear as to where these serums are produced and under what means they are taken. This is more along the lines of an ethical issue and not so much a health-related issue. - GMOs
GMOs have never been fully studied in long-term ten to twenty-year studies. This means they are not reliable ingredients and can cause allergies in certain risk groups. - Formaldehyde
A known poison used in the preservation of organic matter. It is one of the listed poisons in cigarettes, and despite the logic handed out, it is not the edible formaldehyde that is used in vaccines. - Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
MSG has been proven to cause hypertension and other ill side effects. This is why it was banned from food for a time and is still considered an unhealthy preservative/taste enhancer.
This list is but a small crack in the actual list of vaccine ingredients. Make sure you go through all of the ingredients and their side effects before accepting a vaccine.
Why The Flu Vaccine Isn’t Always Reliable
When it comes to the scary flu and the general public, a vaccine will often times fail. This is because the CDC cannot adequately determine which of the thousands of influenza subtypes will be the next epidemic. Yep, there are over thousands of types of “flu virus”. At best the CDC can only guess and provide the vaccine combination that may or may not be effective.
Efficacy? What is efficacy? Vaccine efficacy is the statistical probability that a vaccine will work on a general population in relation to those either infected with a particular virus or those who are simply non-vaccinated. For example, flu vaccines have a very low efficacy, while the Tetanus shot has 100 percent efficacy. This means you can still get flu even after getting a flu shot, while you won’t get Tetanus after a Tetanus shot.
About the Author:
The team at The Health Review, lead by chief-editor Debra Cochran, creates informational content to help others make healthier lifestyle decisions. On their website, you’ll find tips and helpful guides. You can follow them here.