Baby Shopping

Buying For Your Baby – What Baby Essentials Should You Buy First?

So you just found out you are having a baby, time for pure panic mode? If it is your first time as a parent there are going to be a million questions and scenarios running through your head at the same time. There is no need to panic, it is time to plan, and one of your first jobs is to come up with a baby essentials list. This is going to be all the items you will need from the day your little one comes home from the hospital. It is very easy to forget things when you are planning to bring a baby home, so having a list is going to make sure you don’t make any mistakes.

But where exactly do you start when it comes to a new baby? Regardless of where you are in the world, there are going to be some essentials that every baby will require. You need to make sure you have a good list and you double-check it beforehand. There is not going to be anything complicated about baby essentials, just things that you must have in order to take care of your little bundle of joy.

Continue reading to find out exactly what you are going to need when you first bring your baby home.

What Baby Essentials Should You Buy First?

Feeding Time

This essentials list will be broken down into different categories. Breastfeeding or formula feeding is really going to depend on your choice or ability. If you are able to and choose to breastfeed the only thing you may need is a pump and some bottles so you can have extra food for the baby on hand.

If you decide to go the formula route, you will need to do some research first. All formulas are heavily regulated in Australia, and for good reason, but there are differences that will make some brands stand out from others. Do your research beforehand and choose the right formula for your baby.

Play Time

There are so many options available for toys to keep babies occupied that it is mind-boggling. Make sure you have a decent variety of toys and see what the baby takes to, it is always a guessing game. A playpen is not a requirement, especially not straight away but it can be handy as they get older, it is completely up to you. 


You need to, by law, make sure you have the properly certified car seat for your baby the day you leave the hospital. Most hospitals will even have a certified member on staff to show you how to properly install the seat. Car safety is very serious when it comes to babies and children, so you cannot take it lightly. You may also want to get a stroller depending on your situation as it is a great way to get the baby outside.

Pregnant With Teddy Bear

Sleep And Hygiene

Sleep and hygiene are essential to the overall health and development of your baby, so you need to be well prepared. For sleeping, you need to have a cot or bassinet, as well as a firm mattress and plenty of extra blankets. Hygiene is going to consist of timely bathing with soaps that are formulated for babies, as well as proper cleaning during every nappy change.

Slow Down And Relax

All the supplies and money in the world are not going to do you any good as a parent if you aren’t taking care of yourself. Remember to slow down and appreciate everything, there is no need to worry if you have covered the essentials. There will be emergencies that pop up, but you will be well prepared to handle them because you took the time to get everything ready in advance.

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  1. Cheron Hercules

    Good to know

  2. Hazel Saunders

    When I had my daughter the one thing I wished I hadn’t spent a lot on was clothes. I got so many as gifts as well, especially newborn and 0-3 months. She ended up not wearing half of them. Sometimes just to make sure she would wear the special ones from special people I would change her clothes 3 times a day, take a pic and knew it would be the only time she wore it. So less is definitely more.

    • Lynne Huysamen

      Hazel I couldn’t agree with you more there! They grow so fast and outgrow everything so quickly. Now that they are older kids they can sometimes get 1 – 2 years wear out of an item so it makes more sense to spend a bit on clothing now.

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