I heard boys are easier than girls long before I had children. I never paid much attention until I found out my 2nd baby was a boy and I hoped and prayed it would be true.
My experience has definitely been that boys are easier than girls. My daughter was hard from the moment I fell pregnant. I had a difficult pregnancy with every possible horrible pregnancy symptom. My 42 hour labour at home with a posterior baby (facing the wrong way) was painful and tiring. My attempted home birth landed up in an emergency c-section.
My newborn baby girl didn’t want to sleep, she often seemed agitated and I struggled. To be honest it seemed like she just didn’t like me much, even though she never wanted me to put her down. I got PND and it took me 6 months to get over that and start to feel normal.
My daughter is a wonderful little girl, very clever and sweet. However she is very high maintenance, constantly wanting attention and always busy. I love her with all my heart but she tires me out beyond what I thought I could possibly survive. She loves me fiercely and wants to be close to me (on top of me) all the time. Following me around and hanging on me. Yes I am flattered but I would really love to be left alone sometimes!
When I found out I was pregnant again when my daughter was 17 months old I cried buckets. I honestly thought I would not survive another pregnancy, never mind labour, birth and then of course another baby.
My pregnancy with my son was a breeze in comparison to my daughter’s pregnancy. I only put on 14 kgs (in comparison to 40kgs with my daughter!) and I hardly had any problems at all. Yes a little bit of heartburn and a touch of pelvic pain but otherwise a very easy pregnancy. My birth was also a breeze, I opted for an elective c-section this time. Yes I have been judged plenty for choosing this instead of a vbac (vaginal birth after caesarean) but I had my try at natural birth and I just wasn’t up for the possibility of another experience like that.
When my son was born he cried and looked a little distressed at being pulled out of his comfortable little home, but as soon as he was put on my chest he looked at me, cuddled into me and had a look on his face that said “oh good, here’s my mommy, everything is fine”.
From the moment I conceived up until now he has been nothing but a calm, sweet and loving child. He is easy going and relaxed, a wonderful change to my highly strung daughter.
I am sure that there is no rule about which gender is easier, but my experience has without a doubt been that boys are easier than girls!
Thanks for the read
So I can be thankful that I have two boys hehehe…..
My daughter is only a couple of months old and my boys are older, but with my limited experience, my daughter seems much needier than my boys were. My middle child needs a lot of attention, but not quite like this. It will be interesting to see if my daughter grows out of it.
Colleen my daughter just gets more intense as she grows lol, good luck maybe you will have a different experience!
I totally disagree, my daughter was my first born, no complications during pregnancy, no problems during birth, it was super easy, and I was very happy throughout my pregnancy except for the terrible heart burn, but my heartburn was terrible with both other boys too, she was a very easy going child, relaxed, smart and just pleasant and she would sleep thru the night and even when she was 3 she would put the pc on and watch her cartoons with a fuss, only fussy thing was she wanted chicken and noodles most of the time, I now have 2 boys 32month and 19 month old boys, they are hard work lol.. Fighting for attention, tantrums are a norm on a daily basis. The 32month old, during pregnancy I had high blood and protein, and had to have a C-sec at 30 weeks. The 19 month old, I had a vbac, well I really didn’t wana hav a c-sec again and doctor did want me to have but during Labour the doctor didn’t want to wait for me to be dilated and said I’ll be next on the operating table, and the nurse saw I didn’t want this and she said she will help me, and I pushed him out through 7cm, from birth he never slept long, always waking up, he is very dramatic too lol.. So you see why I say my girl was easier than my 2 boys. I suppose every child is unique and various issues result in certain situations and certain attitudes, and demands in a child.
Definitely all children are different Taylia!
Well I cannot say boys are easier than girls as I only have a gorgeous son.
However if I compare with my son and x2 nieces, I definitely have to say my son is way easier and less hassle
Thanks for your feedback Nicol. I always find this an interesting topic now that I have a pigeon pair.
I’ve found the total opposite. My daughter that is now 10 has been a breeze, (obviously the teenage years are going to be a nightmare!). My 7 year old son on the other hand is a total menace. He’s angry, rude and intolerant, just like his mother;)
LOL Nigel. I suppose there can’t be a hard and fast rule. My daughter takes after me which is a problem and my son takes after hubby which is a pleasure. Good point, it will be interesting to see which gender is harder during teens. I can’t help thinking girls will be harder!
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experience!
So far my little boy is far easier than my little girl. I find that she is more needy. But I can’t compare because they are so different. I love them both more than words.
Sam experience here Tammy! I heard recently that girls can be harder than boys because they develop much faster mentally and are more needy of attention because of this. That certainly seems true with regards my daughter.
I also agree. My 1st child was a little girl, who is turning 5 in December. She is the half of my heart, but man oh man…sleeping was always a problem. She still wakes up once during the night, walks over to our room, even if it’s just for a sip of water…
My son, 8 months old, is a breeze when it comes to sleeping. Since birth he has been a very good sleeper. From 4 months old he started skipping his 12o’clock feed (I breastfeed) and just sleeps through…what a difference between the 2.
I love my pigeon pair and wouldn’t trade them for anything in this world…
I totally agree that is also my experience. My son is so easy!
My little boy is 5 years old now and my girl is 5 months… But comparing the 2 pregnancies, I must say that my boy was much easier. Everything up to now were easier with my boy… My baby girl is just a handful. Sleeping, feeding, even the temper has me running around like a headless chicken. But I thank the lord for daddy and big brother who helps a lot with her*
Hi Nicole
I had the same, from pregnancy, birth and until now my boy has been much easier from the start! But I love them both dearly and have a special place for both in my heart.
Interesting how many moms confirm that their boys and much easier than their girls!
I had 2 girls…they were very different, but I could handle them…till the ages of about 17. My grandson on the other hand is a sweet loving little boy. Don’t know if I will live till he is about 17, but it would be interesting to see how he will end up…
Hi Poppie
I am sure I will have my hands full when my daughter hits her teens! Thanks for sharing your experience with us
Kind Regards
Very interesting post, and I loved reading the other comments that people have left. Seems like it really does depend on the individual child, or maybe gender doesn’t play a determining factor at all!
I wonder if it has anything to do with first child vs. second child, etc. I have heard some people say that the first pregnancy is the hardest, what do you think? Unfortunately I cannot comment here as I’ve not yet had kids!
Hi Jolie
I think it really just depends on the individual child. I am the second child (of three girls) and my mom says I was the best pregnancy… and then I came out. She has told me if I was the first born I would have been an only child.
So there goes your theory of being second born out the window!
Well i have more than one of each gender and I can honestly say the boys were way less demanding and needy than the girls – however now facing teenage years it seems to make a slight turn. Boys are more argumentative, sarcastic and insulting to one another and the girls are more concerned for each other.
Then also having 2 “laatlammetjies” added to the madhouse (1 boy who is also just as demanding as the other boys were but as loving and friendly as anyone can wish for and then another little girl due in 7 weeks) I have a repeat of the growing pains accommodating both genders.
Oh my gosh, congrats! It sounds like you have a very busy household
My son is only about to turn 3 in December and so far he has been easier in every single way. I have yet to experience the teenage years.
Ek het nog nie n meisie nie maar n seuntjie so ek sal nie weet maar glo en hoor seuntjies is makliker as meisies….
Well i dont have any boys of my own but i did aupair overseas on switzerland where i looked after 3boys all siblings a set of twins 11months and a 4yr old i did it for a year i loved it to bitz they were so easy and loving and i always said to myself if i get pregnant i want only boys well i fell pregnant and was so happy hoping for it to be a boy to only find out its a girl i was abit down at first but then once she was placed on my chest i was sooo happy and could of not asked for any better but i must say she is only 3months now and already a tad to difficult crying not sleeping not eating what she should but hey thats what im there for and il always be there for her
I only have a boy but if talk to other moms i agree boys are much easier then boys…
@lisaanderson I wrote this article nearly 2 years ago and my boy is still easier than my girl
I wonder what will happen when they hit their teens… oh dear!
Omg for me it was hell when i got birth t a boy because my daughter came better and easier but when it comes to my son whooo things where different
I don’t have any girl