How To Spruce Up Your Home For Spring

With spring finally here, it is a perfect opportunity to get some spring cleaning done in your home. Bright sunshine can highlight the corners we have been neglecting during the winter months, so now is the time to throw open the doors, grab a duster, and transform your home into a chic summer hangout!

Work Out How You Work

It can be overwhelming when faced with an entire house to clean, so make things easier by breaking down tasks room by room, or job by job. Perhaps you want to tackle all the vacuuming in one day, or would prefer to totally clean one room, giving you a sanctuary to retreat to when tackling the rest. By working out the most productive method for you, you will make the most of your cleaning time and achieve better results.

Declutter Before You Clean

Spring cleaning is a perfect time to declutter all those things you no longer need. Work through your wardrobe. If you haven’t worn something in a year, you are unlikely to return to it. Be ruthless, and clear out anything you do not need or use, anything broken or mismatched, or simply anything you do not love. You will be surprised how addictive this gets, and it is a great excuse to clear some free space.

Tackle Big Tasks

Your spring clean is different from regular daily maintenance. It gives you a chance to tackle the big jobs you would usually ignore. Pull out appliances and give them a thorough clean underneath, contact a chimney cleaning service and get the flu and grate swept thoroughly, and pay attention to your skirting boards. This is a chance to work top to bottom and get your space totally spruced up, so make it count!

Organize Your Supplies

Before you start cleaning, it is a good idea to gather everything you think you will need in a box or bag, then add extras. By making sure you have everything in one place, you will save yourself time and can carry your tools with you as you go. It will also enable you to tackle little jobs as you come across them, rather than risk forgetting to return later on.

Check On The Small Things

A spring clean is a great chance to check over general maintenance in your home. It can be a good idea to prepare some paint which is the same color as your rooms and use this to touch-up small spots as you go along.

You can also give the walls a good wash, helping you to determine where you need to redecorate and bring new life into faded or tired surfaces with a fresh lick of paint. This is a chance to really reinvigorate the space, so try and enjoy it!

Bring The Outside In

Once you have tackled the big clean, help your home continue to thrive by adding houseplants where possible. These will help revitalize the air and add a fresh, spring-like feel to the whole house. They can also instantly boost your mood, making them valuable additions to your family!

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One comment

  1. Love this article now is a great chance to get rid of clutter and see where it needs fixing thanks for sharing

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