Family Neighbourhood

Tips For Choosing A Family Friendly Neighbourhood

Choosing your first family home is a very exciting time and while you may be looking at the obvious things when choosing your home ,such as how many bedrooms and bathrooms it has and whether it has an enclosed yard for your child to play in, you also need to make sure that you choose the right neighbourhood.

The first thing you need to do is find estate agents who are in the loop when it comes to family friendly areas. Choosing an estate agent who has children will be very beneficial since they will already be aware of all the major factors that you need to consider.

Here are some factors that you need to take into account when choosing a family neighbourhood:

Tips For Choosing A Family Friendly Neighbourhood


This is going to be one of the biggest factors that impacts your decision. Your child’s education is very important and you want to ensure not only that there are schools nearby, but that the schools that are available will be suitable for your child.

If there are suitable schools nearby find out whether they are within safe walking or cycling distance for your child or whether there is a bus. If you plan on driving your children to school, work out the distance and driving time.


You and your family want to be in a community where you can easily make friends. Aspects such as interests, culture, language and religion all play a role.

Buy some community newspapers which will give you some insight into the vibe of the community. If you and your family have certain interests such as being involved in church you will be able to find information online and in the papers.

Family Neighbourhood

If you are a family with young kids you don’t want to land up living in a neighbourhood that is favoured by retirees who won’t always appreciate the sound of kids playing. Likewise you don’t want to live in an area that is popular with the young party crowd, you don’t want to be trying to put a baby to bed with a loud party happening next door.

You don’t want to disturb your neighbours and you don’t want your neighbours to disturb you. You also want your children to be able to make friends in your neighbourhood.

Take a drive through the neighbourhood and look for signs of children such as kids playing, swings in gardens, bikes and strollers.


Playgrounds, Family Friendly Restaurants and Kids Entertainment

Having a play park that is within walking distance is wonderful when you have small kids; in addition, the existence of a playground is a sure bet that there are other families with kids living nearby.

Going out for a family dinner is always enjoyable – that is of course if there is a family friendly restaurant nearby with a play area for your young children.

Find out if there is a community centre and a library nearby that your family can make use of and if you are a church goer, make sure to check if there is a suitable church in the area.


Crime is a problem in some countries and certain areas. Buying a family home in a high crime area is not going to be a good investment or good for your family’s well-being.

You want your family and yourself to be safe and to feel safe.

Medical Centre

Find out where the nearest hospital is and which doctors are available in the neighbourhood. You want to ensure that you have the best possible medical care close on hand just in case there is a medical emergency.

Distance To Work

If you or your partner work outside the home you need to take into consideration how long it will take to get to work and back, and what the travel costs or arrangements will be. Living in a nice area is great but adding on a lot of daily travel time is not going to be appealing.

Shops and Other Amenities

Find out which shopping malls are in the area and check to see if they cater to your family’s needs. There may be other amenities that you consider important to have close to your home. Make sure that the neighbourhood that you are considering has all of the amenities that you need.


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