Newborn Baby Being Held By Dad

5 Baby Products You Should Buy New

You are going to need lots of things for your new baby, some things you can get away with buying lesser quality goods that cost a bit less, but there are some things that you really need to ensure that you buy quality items from a reputable seller.

It is always important to remember that your baby’s safety does not come with a price tag, so while some of these items may be pricey, it is important to look at the safety aspect and the quality rather than the cost.

These items listed should preferably be purchased new rather than second hand since you are never able to be sure how much wear tear they have endured to date.

Rather check out the best baby gear of the year and find some excellent new products to buy for your baby.

5 Baby Products You Should Buy New

Infant Car Seat

Your newborn baby needs a safe and comfortable infant car seat for the first few months of his or her life. This is the item that is going to protect your baby in the event of having a car accident. This is going to be one of the most important purchases you are going to make for your new baby.

Make sure to have your baby’s car seat ready well ahead of your due date, lots of babies arrive early and you will need this item for bringing your baby home from the hospital. Visit your nearest baby store and make sure to research the different options available before making your purchase. Studying a car seat buying guide will be very beneficial to making your choice.


Any new mom will tell you how much they make use of their baby stroller, especially in the first few months. Your stroller will be taken almost everywhere with you and your baby will be spending a considerable amount of time in it while out and about.

It needs to be folded up every time in goes into the car and then unfolded again when you reach your destination. It also needs to be able to be easily pushed around.

Used strollers that have wear and tear may start to give difficulty when you attempt to fold it and this is not a headache you need when trying to fold up your stroller with one hand and get it into your car. You also don’t need your stroller veering off to one side when you push it or be almost impossible to turn. You need your stroller to be easy and convenient to use.

Buying a new stroller will help to ensure that you don’t encounter any problems and if you do you can take it back to your store for a refund or replacement. You can’t do that with a second hand item.

Baby Crib and Baby Mattress

Your baby’s sleeping space needs to be safe and sanitary. If you purchase a used crib you don’t know if it still meets the required safety requirements. It may have a part that is missing or it may have parts that are worn and will give out soon.

A used baby mattress may be unsanitary. Babies are messy things. They vomit up milk and often have leaky nappies.

Breast Pump

You may think that buying a used breast pump is fine if you wash it and sterilize it thoroughly but this isn’t true. The inside parts of the breast pump can be very unhygienic with bacteria and mold. This is really not a risk that you can afford to take with your baby, rather get a brand new breast pump that is sure to be hygienic and safe for your baby.

Baby Carrier

Your baby carrier is meant to hold your baby against your body while your hands are free. A used baby carrier may no longer be safe due to wear and tear. Dropping your baby is not a risk that you want to take, and buying a second hand baby carrier is simply not worth that risk.

Make sure to research a high quality baby carrier and check the safety standards before buying a new baby carrier.

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